The last nude hike of the year?

Largely managing to dodge the rain, we had a great walk this week around Dorking, which has proved to be a good median point for the Crew, as I’ve loosely termed our happy group of ramblers.

One of the Peter’s sadly couldn’t join us so once again, we numbered four. A nice manageable number for nude hiking, with all of us able to happily hike decent distances at a reasonable pace, although little legs Em was admittedly trailing a bit on the hills!

Having settled on a car park which would accommodate Scott’s campervan and amended the route accordingly, we set off for our first walk. Nestled between some uncharacteristically blisteringly hot days, it was cooler and a bit unsettled but quite warm when the sun did make an appearance.

Lovely terrain but you certainly had to watch your feet with all the tree roots. Infact I did take a tumble at one point but aside from a graze and bruising, was relatively unscathed.

The first walk before we stopped for lunch was a healthy 7-mile hike. Given that the weather was inclement, it was nice and quiet. We did see some people but our preference is to chuck clothing on rather than front it out, unless we’re surprised by someone. We hike for enjoyment, not to prove a point although as we are all aware, naked hiking is perfectly legal, as indeed nudity is in the UK. Most nude advocates prefer to hike in remote areas to save confrontation and having to deal with body bigots.

The highlights on this walk? Logs, lots of them and pillboxes.

First up, logs

One happy Emma. Photo expertly taken by Scott who is used to my foibles by now

Ian spotted the logs first I think. Gleeful excitement on my part and a clamber on to the first pile which captured my attention. Someone commented on twitter (my account), how do you always seem to find logs? It’s not a pre-requisite of these walks but since we are walking in remote areas with largely managed woodlands, it’s rare that we don’t come across logs.

A team picture, of course!

The Crew

Reluctantly having to leave my favourite log behind, we set off again on a pillbox foray. They were scattered along our route which was a derivative of one devised by Naturist Ramblers, a member club of British Naturism which some of the Crew are members of (both NatRam and BN to use the abbreviations).

But before the pillboxes, look at the scenery and views, stunning! This is Blatchford Downs. Here’s a 7 mile route if you want to experience these beautiful chalk grasslands yourself.

Our first pillbox along the route with a dramatic skyline to frame it

I couldn’t resist going inside. 5 rifle points (I don’t know the technical term). Just to envisage being in there, watching and waiting for hours, even days at a time, it’s hard to comprehend how the men and women manning these pillboxes would have felt and what they endured. This particular pillbox was much nicer than the second one I ventured in to which was on a camber, making it seem much more claustrophobic

Shortly afterwards we came across another, then another. This is the one with the camber and it appeared smaller inside than the first pillbox

Lots of ascending and descending ensued as we made our way back to our respective vehicles, where we planned to have lunch before setting off again. Peter unfortunately had to take off after lunch so four became three, missing our afternoon amble.

What a fantastic day we had. I’m hoping but it’s rather optimistic, we might get another hike in during October

Despite my love of fine dining as a foodie, nothing beats being with friends in the great outdoors and a picnic.

Sadly, after our 3 mile loop, it was goodbye to the glorious scenery (and logs) and back via torturous motorways to return home. I was too tired to do anything other than eat chocolate and fall in to bed but that’s the driving, not the walking

Until next time 🙂

Published by Emma James

Based in Berkshire now but missing Buckinghamshire

25 thoughts on “The last nude hike of the year?

  1. Nice blog! I’ve only ever managed to do one naked hike and the thing that sticks in my mind about it was walking in total comfort. I’ve never been as comfortable with clothes on.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. A great hike,logs and pillboxes makes for some neat pics.Sounds like y’all had a great time in spite of the weather trying to make it less enjoyable.Hopefully you get one more respite from the weather for October.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. thanks very much Scott. We had a great time, thanks although no one has responded yet, to my suggestion of another hike in October 😉


  3. Nice to read about the trip, looks like you have it nice. Goes a lot of naked hiking even in the Norwegian mountains. In Norway, we have plenty of room for that. The beauty of being naked is that nothing gets wet if you sweat, and dries quickly. Has this season had about 220 km (130 miles) of naked hiking. Starting to get a little cold now, but hoping for more😀

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Fantastic to hear Bjorn. You’ve racked up more miles than I’ve managed this summer. Here’s hoping there’s scope for more before Autumn and Winter set in


  4. Wow what a nice blog and supported by a wonderful group of photos, it’s always nice when those (photos) can be shared and appreciated by those of us who are like minded. The logs are quite interesting, what is the story behind all of those, conservation, industry or used for wood burning purposes ?? They do make great photo props :). The pill boxes were very fascinating. We can only imagine the sacrifice of manning those for the war years, being vigilant for an enemy who never came. THX for sharing that piece of history from the UK. Due to a busy schedule we have only gotten in a few nude hikes this year. We hope your group makes it in Oct.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. thanks very much, both. Yes, it’s nice that this group of friends are all happy for pictures to be shared widely. I’ve no idea in relation to the logs, the woods are managed and we came across a few piles of logs. The pill boxes were fascinating. Scott shared a picture of three of us inspecting the first one we came across, I’ll see if I can add it to the blog, it’s a great shot. Any nude hike is a bonus, we haven’t managed many this year either and thanks re October, I hope so but no one has taken the bait yet

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Oh that would be very cool to see another photo of the pill boxes especially with the group doing an inspection. T and I discussed yesterday how much fun it would be to hike there and do some photos in and around those historic places.

        Ms. K

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Emma, THX for the added additions to the photography, so fun and amazing what your group manages together. Mr.T and I have managed some more nude hikes since we last commented. We have been fortunate to have a good amount of extended beautiful weather which has allowed us to explore some new (for us) hiking trails. We have at least one more planned maybe more if the nice fall days hold. The other nice thing about this time of year with families back in school we go mid week and there is simply few if any people around. It allows us to undress at the vehicle in the parking lot before heading out instead of on the trail and then redress there on our return.


        Liked by 1 person

  5. Great pics, Emma. Glad that you could get in another naked hike in. We have really been enjoying our naked hiking, too. The weather has been nothing short of spectacular for being free and naked. Will DM you on Twitter with our hike.


    Jan&Gary xo

    Liked by 3 people

    1. I’m so sorry both, I missed this (my inbox is a nightmare at the moment, I’m ploughing through some admin now). So delighted to hear you are both back out there hiking again and lovely to hear from you via Twitter too, Hugs in return, have a lovely weekend Emma x

      Liked by 1 person

    1. It was wonderful thanks and it did turn out to be our last hike in the event, sadly. We had a date but had to cry off due to a number of factors but the weather now makes it harder to go naked hiking, unless you’re particularly hardy. I’d agree though, naked hiking in good company is one of the best experiences for clothes free devotees

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Sadly, the cooler and wetter weather now makes it harder to go naked hiking. It’s that time of year where the weather forces us to reluctantly get dressed until its warm enough to enjoy some naturist freedom again, Here’s hoping it doesn’t stop you having some nice walks in the meantime.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. We know how sad it feels to see the nice summer leave us. We so much enjoyed our naked hikes, Emma., even into the fall. We agree, Emma. Naked hiking in the company of other nudist is definitely the best experience.


        Jan&Gary xo

        Liked by 2 people

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